Here’s how you can get involved.
Join an action group to help organise the campaign
To get involved in the campaign come along to a community meeting held at 7pm
every Friday at the Belgrave Library.
Join the campaign Facebook pages
No Maccas in the Hills– No Maccas in the Hills exists to promote fun, creative actions of protest and dissent against the proposed McDonalds in Tecoma. We encourage participation and the empowerment of the Hills community to take visible, loud and passionate actions to make our voice heard by not only McDondalds but the Council – that MACCAS ARE NOT WELCOME IN THE HILLS!!!!
NO McDonalds in The Dandenong Ranges – For people who wish to show their support for keeping McDonalds out of our beautiful hills… The Dandenong Ranges. SAVE TECOMA! A McDonalds will destroy the very essence of our beautiful hills. We beat them before in Belgrave, now they’re back for more. Get involved & help defend our community!
Get Mactivated – This page has been set up for people who wish to actively engage in various forms of non-violent protests focusing on the issue of stopping McDonald’s from Building in Tecoma.
Boycott McDonald’s Tecoma – This page is for those who will act with conviction and boycott McDonald’s Tecoma and possibly McDonald’s altogether! Share your frustrations, vent your spleens and post photos of what will inevitably be images of McDonald’s garbage spread throughout Tecoma and surrounds. The community will continue to unite to show the evil McDonald’s empire that they weren’t welcome in the beginning and they will not be welcome at the end! They did not hear the voice of the people- they chose not to listen- this is an affront to each and every one of us!
Action Groups
Not all action groups have a Facebook presence but you can get involved by coming to one of our community meetings and making contact or by sending us an email at to offer your expertise and/or enthusiasm (both are welcome!).
Legal Group – This group is involved in examining the legal avenues that can be explored to to stop McDonalds in Tecoma such as a Supreme Court Challenge, the Council and the Planning Minister. Knowledge of planning law would be great but not essential as we are learning as we go!
Media and Communication – The Media and Communications group is focused on improving our community’s ability to engage effectively with all stakeholders via the Media campaign against the proposed McDonalds in Tecoma. Our aim is to create resources (such as keypoint cards, a media archive, information sheets, lists of media contacts, etc) to support the community to engage autonomously and confidently with the media, to have the confidence to call talk back radio or answer questions from journalists in a way that is consistent with the goals of the whole community. We will also be producing press releases when required with the permission of the broader community group.
Cittaslow Dandenong Ranges – Cittaslow is a movement born of the Slow Food Movement. There are over 100 Cittaslow accredited cities worldwide. This group exists to focus community interest and information about seeking Cittaslow certification for some or all of the towns of the Dandenong Ranges
Go on the campaign email list
If you would like to be added to our email list for general announcements or if you would like to ask any questions then email
Sign an online petition at
McDonald’s Australia: Leave Tecoma and the Dandenong Ranges alone!
Stop the building of McDonalds in Tecoma, Victoria.
Over 8500 people have signed so far!
Lobby McDonalds Direct
Write a letter/email to the McDonalds Australia CEO
Ms Catriona Noble
Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
McDonald’s Australia
Head Office
21-29 Central Avenue
Write a letter to James Currie: James is the franchisee owner of the Boronia and Wantirna McDonald’s. He intends to run the Tecoma store.
Mr James Currie
Aarrod Pty Ltd
Boronia McDonald’s
267 Dorset Road
Send Maccas some customer feedback online :
Download an sign the pledge to never patronize McDonalds again if they build in Tecoma
Post on the McDonalds Australia Facebook Page.: The McDonalds Facebook Australia page has been hit hundreds of times with protest messages.
Protest Come to one of the upcoming protests targetting McDonalds that the campaign will be advertising in the near future. We intend to hit the company where it hurts, their image and their bottom line.
Demand that Maccas back off – How to lobby the company
Download and sign the pledge to boycott McDonalds if they build in Tecoma
Lobby the Shire of Yarra Ranges
The Shire has disapointingly decided not to launch an appeal of the VCAT decision to the Supreme Court. However we still need to lobby them to work with us to change the planning Scheme in the Dandenong Ranges to prevent this kind of innapropriate development be approved again.
Contact the current local councillors and the Planning Department:
Telephone: 03 9294 6222
Fax: 03 9735 424
Members of Parliament to write letters to:
Hon Matthew Guy, Victorian Minister for Planning
Shadow Minister for Planning Mr Brian Tee
Your local MP (ours is James Merlino local Member for Monbulk james.merlino@parliament.vic.g
Federal Education Minister (Peter Garrett) – use this form
Federal Health Minister (The Hon Tanya Plibersek MP) – use this form
Other campaign websites
Tecoma Village Action Group – The Tecoma Village Action Group (TVAG) is one of many Township Groups throughout the Dandenong Ranges working to make their township a better place to live and work. TVAG is a member of the Shire of Yarra Ranges Townships Network. – McDonalds wants to ruin the Dandenong Ranges by building an eatery in Tecoma. The council has rejected McDonalds’ proposal to build an eatery in Tecoma, however the campaign is not over McDonalds has lodged an appeal to VCAT. It’s time to kick the campaign up a notch and drive the message home to McDonalds that no really means no!
Other Communities fighting McDonalds
Phillip Island – Our island has many great small food business. We don’t want McDonalds on Phillip Island. There’s a Maccas at Wonthaggi and now there’s one at Bass and that’s enough. Show your support for your local food businesses on the Island by saying ‘No’ to Maccas opening at Cowes.