Author Archives: Admin9


Sounds like what you would write on a naughty schoolboy’s report card, instead it’s an accurate picture of how the Tecoma McDonald’s is travelling. In a word “poor”

Our friends over on the No Maccas in the Hills Facebook group ( have been regularly posting reports about McDonald’s trade, or lack of. We thought it was worth letting the wider audience on this page know about a couple of incidents that were posted there this week.

1 With the sun shining mid week a group of community protesters decided to gather some stat’s. They counted first the “toots of support” for the protest from the cars passing on Burwood Hwy. and then over the same two (2) hour period, they also counted the number of customers.
Toots = 450+ Customers = 4

2 At just after 10:00am this morning, the store was again empty. Chairs placed up on the tables so the staff could once again clean (It has to be the cleanest Maccas in the country) Under the post a comment was made:

“Would you ever expect to visit Reel Cafe, Grunge, Earthly Pleasures or any other bustling Hills food outlet at 10am on a Friday and find they still had chairs on tables?? ”

We tend to agree and again this points to this store being an abject failure.

The community of Tecoma predicted this.


Over the weekend a coach load of campaigners made the trip from the Dandenong Ranges to the Museum of Australian Democracy At Eureka Made (Ballarat) to see first hand the exhibition dedicated to Tecoma’s ongoing fight against an unwanted and unwelcome corporation in Tecoma.
MADE have chosen Tecoma as the first of a series of exhibitions dedicated to grassroots activism and we are quite proud to see our campaign feature at the birthplace of Australian democracy and activism. The exhibition opened last week and will run until September 14th. If you are yet to attend we can highly recommend it. Details can be found here:
Additional to the exhibition the Melbourne Writers Festival presented a series of presentations over the weekend at MADE and campaign spokesperson Garry Muratore once again got to tell Tecoma’s story to a packed auditorium. The photos contained in this album are by John Weeks who once again gave up his time to continue to document our story. More of John’s images of the day at MADE can also be seen here:

The final highlight of the day was a special screening of some of the documentary that local film maker Tim Smith has been working on. For many of the campaigners present it was a chance to see some never before screened footage. It was beautiful, it was emotional and above all it showed our community’s passion.
Thanks to all involved in making this day happen.

— at Museum of Australian Democracy At Eureka Made.