We have started getting used to the sight of a virtually empty McDonald’s store in Tecoma, but tonight that fact was greatly amplified when Tecoma locals stood 15 – 20 deep waiting to order from two enterprising food trucks at the other end of the Tecoma strip.
Digging for Fire (BBQ) and Ivs Burritos (Mexican) didn’t attract a crowd by offering free vouchers, they simply offered a product and service that locals are happy to get behind. There was no advertisement in the local paper offering on-site parking, toddler friendly play land, nor did they “beg” for the community to “Come in and meet the team”. Instead this event was promoted via word of mouth. As locals they knew exactly how to tap into community networks and the result was a text-book example of why the store at the other end of the strip slowly dies.
Tonight’s crowd was huge, so much so that both food trucks ran out of food within 90 minutes. Meanwhile the corporation who bullied, sued and disrespected the community that they now ask to “come in and meet the team” wonders why they are virtually empty on what should be the busiest night of the week.
Thanks to the staff of Digging for Fire and Iv’s Burritos, Tecoma hopes to see you again soon. Once again our community supports each other and shows again we are the “little town that roared”
Category Archives: News
Often the campaign gets passive/aggressive criticism claiming “It’s over they won” However when the full picture is explained it’s very easy to understand why our fight continues. A few weeks ago the campaign was asked to be one of the keynote presentations at “Communities in Control 2104” In front of around 1500 people representing communities across Australia where we got to tell our story. You can see the entire presentation here (Including a special performance from the Tecoma Flash-mobbers):
Communities in Control is just one of many events we have presented to around the country. Not a week goes by where we are not contacted by groups asking how can they do it “the Tecoma way” Currently in Mandurah (WA), Ipswich (QLD) and Newcastle (NSW) communities have woken up to find despite their elected council voting to stop a McDonald’s building permit, McDonald’s have again dug into their very deep legal pockets and have applied to higher courts or planning tribunals to reverse the decision. So part of our continuing legacy is to assist these communities where possible and make McDonald’s understand that if they continue to break the democratic process and build in an inappropriate location they will again be faced with grassroots opposition that is professional, organised and above all passionate.
Tecoma showed itself to be “the little town that roared”. We can now export that revolution and show other communities how to find their voice and roar too.