Great to see the campaign again making front-page news, this time the FreePress Leader which is circulated throughout the Dandenong Ranges and surrounding areas. The printed version came out today, whilst the online version of the story can be found here:
The article points to the fact that this community hasn’t gone away and the protest is standing ground. Also featured is our much loved Babi Des who is quoted as saying “We are going to keep going until the fat lady sings,”
What’s also interesting about this article is what is not said. Normally in the past McDonald’s would make comment to the press in such articles saying things like “The store will bring over 100 jobs” “We look forward to engaging the community” and this doozy “Although a small vocal minority are against the store the vast majority of the Dandenongs support us” This time nothing. Could it be that someone on the organisation has woken up to the fact that Tecoma is a mistake and spinning the lies just doesn’t work?
Thanks to the Leader for following this story and of course thanks to the stalwarts who continue to roar, no matter if the day brings rain, hail or sunshine.