the gift

Dedicated residents continue to share the history of our campaign with passers by every day.
Most mornings drivers past the McDonalds outlet are greeted by smiles and waves from our dedicated campaigners. It’s been reported that support for our protest has not diminished since the store opened. Honks of support, waves, thumbs ups and grateful smiles are still as common as they were during the construction phase.
Here is a encouraging report back from one of our local residents (Please note we do not endorse McDonald’s or Mt Franklin water but fully endorse polite and peaceful exchanges between individuals):

Have a little story to share with you all.
This morning whilst waving a flag on the front nature strip of the site I was approached by a polite young man. He had just been in the outlet for breakfast and was looking for a chat.
We spoke about our different opinion on where the line of inappropriate development existed. He suggested that if Maccas was proposing to develop in Sassafras he would be standing right along side us… I explained that my line was right here due to the proximity to the primary school and our national park which he considered and respected.
I explained to him that prior to this inappropriate development we may have met sitting in a Maccas down the hill as I was not anti McDonald’s as I now am. We went on to discuss the ineffectiveness of the McDonalds ‘healthy options’ range and how they are attempting to serve a product to the customers they have effectively addicted to their existing long term range.
All up it was a really lovely and respectful exchange of opinions.
When he left he was kind enough to hand me his bottle of water and wish us well. I asked him if I could give him one of our leaflets explaining our community protest which he happily accepted…
As my parking time was now up I decided to celebrate by taking a little picture of the first gift I have been given by a reasonable customer from the establishment.
Whilst taking the photo the security guard for some reason elected to take my picture. I explained I was only taking a photo of my water bottle and was heading off now. I entered my car as security noted down my registration!
I have absolutely no issue with people who consume this product, I was once one too. I do however have an issue with being intimidated by McDonald’s security in Tecoma when doing nothing wrong.

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